Introduction to Issue Eight

A Note from the Editors


The way a bird’s bones hold hollowness, sometimes a memory holds a wish—for something we never had, for what we did have but lost, or simply for what doesn’t last.

Any memory, any wish, can leave us perched on the edge of a moment. In this issue, we hope you’ll let our contributors lead you to that brink to look out over the landscapes below: a balcony where an empty dress floats, coastlines with cracked mud flats and barking seals, a hayloft brimming with books, a cypress pine rooted in red clay, the golden fields and crickets of summers long past.

Like remembering the taste of a ripe raspberry, sometimes a memory or a wish can be as true to the tongue as the eating of the berry itself. We hope that you will savor these words, and that perhaps they will bring you somewhere you’ve been longing to revisit.

— Cara Downey & Erin Calabria


Issue Eight image credits: all photographs featured in the issue’s table of contents were taken or provided by our contributors with the following exceptions: photo credit David Maginley on Unsplash for Ceridwen Hall’s “Transparency”; photo credit Dorota Kudyba on Pixabay for Gerry Stewart’s “Dad’s Weekend”; photo credit Annette Katona for Catherine Deery’s “Clay”; photo credit Phoebe Gilman for Quinn Forlini’s “Wild Berries Close to Home”; photo credit Makenzie McCullen for Tisha Marie Reichle-Aguilera’s “We Wish”; photo credit Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash for Jory Mickelson’s “[Love is not a lie]”; photo credit Erin Calabria for the issue cover.